# BASIC CLIENT FOR INTERACTING WITH THE SERVER # This client is used to test the server and to interact with it import json import socketio HOST = "localhost" PORT = 6000 waiting = False if __name__ == '__main__': # Create a TCP/IP socket sock = socketio.Client() sock.connect(f"http://{HOST}:{PORT}") # Join the room sock.emit('join', json.dumps({'uuid': 'clientpc'})) # Listen for messages from the server @sock.on('message_from_assistant') def on_message_from_jarvis(data): print("Assistant says: " + data['data']) global waiting waiting = False # Chat with the server while True: while not waiting: message = input("Enter a message to send to the server: ") # Exit when CTRL+C is pressed if message == "exit": print("Exiting") # Leave the room sock.emit('leave', json.dumps({'uuid': 'clientpc'})) exit(0) waiting = True sock.emit('process_message', json.dumps({'data': message, 'uuid': 'clientpc'}))