import base64 import io import json import logging import os import sys import threading import time import traceback import ultimateAlprSdk from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, render_template # Setup logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) counter_lock = threading.Lock() counter = 0 bundle_dir = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) boot_time = time.time() """ Hi there! This script is a REST API server that uses the ultimateALPR SDK to process images and return the license plate information. The server is created using Flask and the ultimateALPR SDK is used to process the images. See the file for more information on how to run this script. """ # Load configuration from a JSON file or environment variables CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(bundle_dir, 'config.json') # TODO: store config file outside of bundle (to avoid compilation by users) if os.path.exists(CONFIG_PATH): with open(CONFIG_PATH, 'r') as config_file: JSON_CONFIG = json.load(config_file) else: JSON_CONFIG = { "assets_folder": os.path.join(bundle_dir, "assets"), "charset": "latin", "car_noplate_detect_enabled": False, "ienv_enabled": False, "openvino_enabled": True, "openvino_device": "CPU", "npu_enabled": False, "klass_lpci_enabled": False, "klass_vcr_enabled": False, "klass_vmmr_enabled": False, "klass_vbsr_enabled": False, "license_token_file": "", "license_token_data": "", "debug_level": "fatal", "debug_write_input_image_enabled": False, "debug_internal_data_path": ".", "num_threads": -1, "gpgpu_enabled": True, "max_latency": -1, "klass_vcr_gamma": 1.5, "detect_roi": [0, 0, 0, 0], "detect_minscore": 0.35, "car_noplate_detect_min_score": 0.8, "pyramidal_search_enabled": False, "pyramidal_search_sensitivity": 0.38, "pyramidal_search_minscore": 0.8, "pyramidal_search_min_image_size_inpixels": 800, "recogn_rectify_enabled": True, "recogn_minscore": 0.4, "recogn_score_type": "min" } IMAGE_TYPES_MAPPING = { 'RGB': ultimateAlprSdk.ULTALPR_SDK_IMAGE_TYPE_RGB24, 'RGBA': ultimateAlprSdk.ULTALPR_SDK_IMAGE_TYPE_RGBA32, 'L': ultimateAlprSdk.ULTALPR_SDK_IMAGE_TYPE_Y } config = json.dumps(JSON_CONFIG) def start_backend_loop(): global boot_time, counter while True: load_engine() # loop for about an hour or 3000 requests then reload the engine (fix for trial license) while counter < 3000 and time.time() - boot_time < 60 * 60: # every 120 sec if int(time.time()) % 120 == 0: if not is_engine_loaded(): unload_engine() # just in case load_engine() time.sleep(1) unload_engine() # Reset counter and boot_time to restart the loop with counter_lock: counter = 0 boot_time = time.time() def is_engine_loaded(): # hacky way to check if the engine is loaded cause the SDK doesn't provide a method for it return ultimateAlprSdk.UltAlprSdkEngine_requestRuntimeLicenseKey().isOK() def load_engine(): result = ultimateAlprSdk.UltAlprSdkEngine_init(config) if not result.isOK(): raise RuntimeError("Init failed: %s" % result.phrase()) def unload_engine(): result = ultimateAlprSdk.UltAlprSdkEngine_deInit() if not result.isOK(): raise RuntimeError("DeInit failed: %s" % result.phrase()) def process_image(image: Image) -> str: global counter with counter_lock: counter += 1 width, height = image.size if image.mode in IMAGE_TYPES_MAPPING: image_type = IMAGE_TYPES_MAPPING[image.mode] else: raise ValueError("Invalid mode: %s" % image.mode) result = ultimateAlprSdk.UltAlprSdkEngine_process( image_type, image.tobytes(), width, height, 0, # stride 1 # exifOrientation ) if not result.isOK(): raise RuntimeError("Process failed: %s" % result.phrase()) else: return result.json() def create_rest_server_flask(): app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=os.path.join(bundle_dir, 'templates')) @app.route('/v1/image/alpr', methods=['POST']) def alpr(): """ The function receives an image and processes it using the ultimateALPR SDK. Parameters: - upload: The image to be processed - grid_size: The number of cells to split the image into (e.g. 4) - wanted_cells: The cells to process in the grid separated by commas (e.g. 1,2,3,4) (max: grid_sizeĀ²) """ interference = time.time() try: if 'upload' not in request.files: return jsonify({'error': 'No image found'}), 400 grid_size = int(request.form.get('grid_size', 3)) wanted_cells = request.form.get('wanted_cells') if wanted_cells: wanted_cells = [int(cell) for cell in wanted_cells.split(',')] else: wanted_cells = list(range(1, grid_size * grid_size + 1)) image = request.files['upload'] if image.filename == '': return jsonify({'error': 'No selected file'}), 400 image = result = process_image(image) result = convert_to_cpai_compatible(result) if not result['predictions']: logger.debug("No plate found in the image, attempting to split the image") predictions_found = find_best_plate_with_grid_split(image, grid_size, wanted_cells) if predictions_found: result['predictions'].append(max(predictions_found, key=lambda x: x['confidence'])) # Add the isolated plate image to the result if result['predictions']: isolated_plate_image = isolate_plate_in_image(image, result['predictions'][0]) result['image'] = f"data:image/png;base64,{image_to_base64(isolated_plate_image, compress=True)}" result['processMs'] = round((time.time() - interference) * 1000, 2) result['inferenceMs'] = result['processMs'] return jsonify(result) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error processing image: {e}") logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({'error': 'Error processing image'}), 500 @app.route('/v1/image/alpr_grid_debug', methods=['POST']) def alpr_grid_debug(): """ The function receives an image and returns it with the grid overlayed on it (for debugging purposes). Parameters: - upload: The image to be processed - grid_size: The number of cells to split the image into (e.g. 4) - wanted_cells: The cells to process in the grid separated by commas (e.g. 1,2,3,4) (max: grid_sizeĀ²) Returns: - The image with the grid overlayed on it """ try: if 'upload' not in request.files: return jsonify({'error': 'No image found'}), 400 grid_size = int(request.form.get('grid_size', 3)) wanted_cells = request.form.get('wanted_cells') if wanted_cells: wanted_cells = [int(cell) for cell in wanted_cells.split(',')] else: wanted_cells = list(range(1, grid_size * grid_size + 1)) image = request.files['upload'] if image.filename == '': return jsonify({'error': 'No selected file'}), 400 image = image = draw_grid_and_cell_numbers_on_image(image, grid_size, wanted_cells) image_base64 = image_to_base64(image, compress=True) result = { "image": f"data:image/png;base64,{image_base64}" } return jsonify(result) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error processing image: {e}") logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({'error': 'Error processing image'}), 500 @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('index.html') return app def convert_to_cpai_compatible(result): result = json.loads(result) response = { 'success': "true", 'processMs': result['duration'], 'inferenceMs': result['duration'], 'predictions': [], 'message': '', 'moduleId': 'ALPR', 'moduleName': 'License Plate Reader', 'code': 200, 'command': 'alpr', 'requestId': 'null', 'inferenceDevice': 'none', 'analysisRoundTripMs': 0, 'processedBy': 'none', 'timestamp': '' } if 'plates' in result: plates = result['plates'] for plate in plates: warpedBox = plate['warpedBox'] x_coords = warpedBox[0::2] y_coords = warpedBox[1::2] x_min = min(x_coords) x_max = max(x_coords) y_min = min(y_coords) y_max = max(y_coords) response['predictions'].append({ 'confidence': plate['confidences'][0] / 100, 'label': "Plate: " + plate['text'], 'plate': plate['text'], 'x_min': x_min, 'x_max': x_max, 'y_min': y_min, 'y_max': y_max }) return response def draw_grid_and_cell_numbers_on_image(image: Image, grid_size: int = 3, wanted_cells: list = None) -> Image: if grid_size < 1: grid_size = 1 if wanted_cells is None: wanted_cells = list(range(1, grid_size * grid_size + 1)) width, height = image.size cell_width = width // grid_size cell_height = height // grid_size draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(bundle_dir, 'assets', 'fonts', 'GlNummernschildEng-XgWd.ttf'), image.size[0] // 10) for cell_index in range(1, grid_size * grid_size + 1): row = (cell_index - 1) // grid_size col = (cell_index - 1) % grid_size left = col * cell_width upper = row * cell_height right = left + cell_width lower = upper + cell_height if cell_index in wanted_cells: draw.rectangle([left, upper, right, lower], outline="red", width=4) draw.text((left + 5, upper + 5), str(cell_index), fill="red", font=font) return image def find_best_plate_with_grid_split(image: Image, grid_size: int = 3, wanted_cells: list = None): if grid_size < 1: logger.debug("Grid size < 1, skipping split") return [] if wanted_cells is None: wanted_cells = list(range(1, grid_size * grid_size + 1)) predictions_found = [] width, height = image.size cell_width = width // grid_size cell_height = height // grid_size for cell_index in range(1, grid_size * grid_size + 1): row = (cell_index - 1) // grid_size col = (cell_index - 1) % grid_size left = col * cell_width upper = row * cell_height right = left + cell_width lower = upper + cell_height if cell_index in wanted_cells: cell_image = image.crop((left, upper, right, lower)) result_cell = json.loads(process_image(cell_image)) if 'plates' in result_cell: for plate in result_cell['plates']: warpedBox = plate['warpedBox'] x_coords = warpedBox[0::2] y_coords = warpedBox[1::2] x_min = min(x_coords) + left x_max = max(x_coords) + left y_min = min(y_coords) + upper y_max = max(y_coords) + upper predictions_found.append({ 'confidence': plate['confidences'][0] / 100, 'label': "Plate: " + plate['text'], 'plate': plate['text'], 'x_min': x_min, 'x_max': x_max, 'y_min': y_min, 'y_max': y_max }) return predictions_found def isolate_plate_in_image(image: Image, plate: dict) -> Image: x_min = plate['x_min'] x_max = plate['x_max'] y_min = plate['y_min'] y_max = plate['y_max'] offset = 10 image = image.crop((max(0, x_min - offset), max(0, y_min - offset), min(image.size[0], x_max + offset), min(image.size[1], y_max + offset))) image = image.resize((int(image.size[0] * 3), int(image.size[1] * 3)), resample=Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) return image def image_to_base64(img: Image, compress=False): """Convert a Pillow image to a base64-encoded string.""" buffered = io.BytesIO() if compress: img = img.resize((int(img.size[0] / 2), int(img.size[1] / 2))), format="WEBP", quality=35, lossless=False) else:, format="WEBP") print(buffered.__sizeof__()) return base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('utf-8') if __name__ == '__main__': engine_thread = threading.Thread(target=start_backend_loop, daemon=True) engine_thread.start() app = create_rest_server_flask()'', port=5000) unload_engine()