# Hello Friend ## The theme is no longer maintained, but can still be used Even if the repository is archived you can still use the theme, fork it, download it, expand it, etc. Remember that each Hugo theme is a module that can be modified to match your needs. The theme is fully "open" and it depends only on the internal engines implemented in Hugo. The theme brings many useful features thanks to [all people that contributed to it](https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-hello-friend/graphs/contributors) (I want to thank you all!). At the time of archiving the theme has reached 14th place on the [official Hugo Themes list](https://themes.gohugo.io/). This is huge! Thanks to you! ---- ![Hello Friend](https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-hello-friend/blob/master/images/screenshot.png?raw=true) ### DEMO - https://hugo-hello-friend.now.sh/ --- - [Hello Friend](#hello-friend) - [DEMO - https://hugo-hello-friend.now.sh/](#demo) - [Features](#features) - [Built-in shortcodes](#built-in-shortcodes) - [Code highlighting](#code-highlighting) - [Improved RSS Feed](#improved-rss-feed) - [How to start](#how-to-start) - [How to run your site](#how-to-run-your-site) - [How to configure](#how-to-configure) - [How to add a cover image to your posts](#how-to-add-a-cover-image-to-your-posts) - [How to display the Last Modified Date in your posts](#how-to-display-the-last-modified-date-in-your-posts) - [How to hide "Read more" button](#how-to-hide-read-more-button) - [Add-ons](#add-ons) - [How to edit the theme](#how-to-edit) - [Found a bug?](#bug) - [New cool idea or feature](#feature) - [`Hello Friend` theme user?](#hello-friend-theme-user) - [License](#license) ## Features - **dark/light mode**, depending on your preferences (the theme of your operating system is default, but you can change it) - great reading experience thanks to [**Inter font**](https://rsms.me/inter/), made by [Rasmus Andersson](https://rsms.me/about/) - nice code highlighting thanks to [**PrismJS**](https://prismjs.com) - fully responsive #### Built-in shortcodes - **`image`** (prop required: **`src`**; props optional: **`alt`**, **`position`** (**left** is default | center | right), **`style`**) - eg: `{{< image src="/img/hello.png" alt="Hello Friend" position="center" style="border-radius: 8px;" >}}` - **`figure`** (same as `image`, plus few optional props: **`caption`**, **`captionPosition`** (left | **center** is default | right), **`captionStyle`** - eg: `{{< figure src="/img/hello.png" alt="Hello Friend" position="center" style="border-radius: 8px;" caption="Hello Friend!" captionPosition="right" captionStyle="color: red;" >}}` - **`imgproc`** Hugo shortcode for image processing, plus additional **`position`** param [ left | center | right ] (optional). - eg: `{{< imgproc "img/hello.png" Resize "250x" center />}}` - More detailed info on processing commands at [https://gohugo.io/content-management/image-processing/](https://gohugo.io/content-management/image-processing/) - **`code`** (prop required: **`language`**; props optional: **`title`**, **`id`**, **`expand`** (default "△"), **`collapse`** (default "▽"), **`isCollapsed`**) - eg: ```go {{< code language="css" title="Really cool snippet" id="1" expand="Show" collapse="Hide" isCollapsed="true" >}} pre { background: #1a1a1d; padding: 20px; border-radius: 8px; font-size: 1rem; overflow: auto; @media ($phone) { white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; } code { background: none !important; color: #ccc; padding: 0; font-size: inherit; } } {{< /code >}} ``` #### Code highlighting By default the theme is using PrismJS to color your code syntax. All you need to do is to wrap you code like this:
```html // your code here ```**Supported languages**: bash/shell, css, clike, javascript, apacheconf, actionscript, applescript, c, csharp, cpp, coffeescript, ruby, csp, css-extras, diff, django, docker, elixir, elm, markup-templating, erlang, fsharp, flow, git, go, graphql, less, handlebars, haskell, http, java, json, kotlin, latex, markdown, makefile, objectivec, ocaml, perl, php, php-extras, r, sql, processing, scss, python, jsx, typescript, toml, reason, textile, rust, sass, stylus, scheme, pug, swift, yaml, haml, twig, tsx, vim, visual-basic, wasm. #### Improved RSS Feed Some enhancements have been made to Hugo's [internal RSS](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/blob/25a6b33693992e8c6d9c35bc1e781ce3e2bca4be/tpl/tplimpl/embedded/templates/_default/rss.xml) generation code. **A page's cover image now appears at the top of its feed display**. This image is set manually using [the cover params](#how-to-add-a-cover-image-to-your-posts). If unset, the RSS generator searches for the first image file in the page bundle whose name includes 'featured', 'cover', or 'thumbnail'. **You can optionally display the full page content in your RSS feed** (default is Description or Summary data from Front Matter). Set `rssFullText = true` in your `config.toml` file to enable this option. **You can choose a site image to be displayed when searching for your RSS feed.** Set `rssImage = "image/url/here"` in your `config.toml` file to enable this option. ## How to start You can download the theme manually by going to [https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-hello-friend.git](https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-hello-friend.git) and pasting it to `themes/hello-friend` in your root directory. You can also choose **one of the 3 possibilities** to install the theme: 1. as Hugo Module 2. as a standalone local directory 3. as a git submodule ⚠️ **The theme needs at least Hugo **Extended** v0.90.x**. ### Install theme as Hugo Module ```bash # If this is the first time you're using Hugo Modules # in your project. You have to initiate your own module before # you fetch the theme module. # # hugo mod init [your website/module name] hugo mod get github.com/panr/hugo-theme-hello-friend ``` and in your config file add: ```toml [module] # this is needed when you fetch the theme as a submodule to your repo. # replacements = "github.com/panr/hugo-theme-hello-friend -> themes/hello-friend" [[module.imports]] path = 'github.com/panr/hugo-theme-hello-friend' ``` Keep in mind that the theme by default won't show up in the `themes` directory. This means that you are using the theme as it was on the repository at the moment you fetched it. Your local `go.sum` file keeps all the references. Read more about Hugo Modules in the [official documentation](https://gohugo.io/hugo-modules/). ⚠️ If you encounter any issues with: ```bash Error: module "hello-friend" not found; either add it as a Hugo Module or store it in "[...your custom path]/themes".: module does not exist ``` then please try to remove `theme = "hello-friend"` from your config file. ### Install theme locally ```bash git clone https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-hello-friend.git themes/hello-friend ``` This will clone the repository directly to the `themes/hello-friend` directory. ### Install theme as a submodule ```bash git submodule add -f https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-hello-friend.git themes/hello-friend ``` This will install the repository as a sumbodule in the `themes/hello-friend` directory. ## How to run your site From your Hugo root directory run: ``` hugo server -t hello-friend ``` and go to `localhost:1313` in your browser. From now on all the changes you make will go live, so you don't need to refresh your browser every single time. ## How to configure The theme doesn't require any advanced configuration. Just copy: ```toml baseurl = "/" languageCode = "en-us" # Add it only if you keep the theme in the `themes` directory. # Remove it if you use the theme as a remote Hugo Module. theme = "hello-friend" paginate = 5 [params] # dir name of your blog content (default is `content/posts`). # the list of set content will show up on your index page (baseurl). contentTypeName = "posts" # OS theme is default when not provided, but you can force it to "light" or "dark" defaultTheme = "dark" # if you set this to 0, only submenu trigger will be visible showMenuItems = 2 # Show reading time in minutes for posts showReadingTime = false # Show table of contents at the top of your posts (defaults to false) # Alternatively, add this param to post front matter for specific posts # toc = true # Show full page content in RSS feed items #(default is Description or Summary metadata in the front matter) # rssFullText = true [languages] [languages.en] title = "Hello Friend" subtitle = "A simple theme for Hugo" keywords = "" copyright = "" menuMore = "Show more" writtenBy = "Written by" readMore = "Read more" readOtherPosts = "Read other posts" newerPosts = "Newer posts" olderPosts = "Older posts" minuteReadingTime = "min read" dateFormatSingle = "2006-01-02" dateFormatList = "2006-01-02" # leave empty to disable, enter display text to enable # lastModDisplay = "" [languages.en.params.logo] logoText = "hello friend" logoHomeLink = "/" # or # # path = "/img/your-example-logo.svg" # alt = "Your example logo alt text" [languages.en.menu] [[languages.en.menu.main]] identifier = "about" name = "About" url = "/about" [[languages.en.menu.main]] identifier = "showcase" name = "Showcase" url = "/showcase" ``` to `config.toml` file in your Hugo root directory and change params fields. In case you need, here's [a YAML version](https://gist.github.com/panr/8f9b363e358aaa33f6d353c77feee959). **NOTE:** Please keep in mind that currently main menu doesn't support nesting. ## How to add a cover image to your posts Adding a cover image to your post is simple and there are two options when you edit your `index.md` file in `content/posts/blog-entry-xy/index.md`: * Use `cover = "/path/to/absolute/img.jpg"` to link an absolute image * Resulting in `https://www.yourpage.com/path/to/absolute/img.jpg` * Use `cover = "img.jpg"` and `useRelativeCover = true` to link the image relative to the blog post folder * Resulting in `https://www.yourpage.com/posts/blog-entry-xy/img.jpg` * Use `coverAlt = "description of image"` to add custom alt text to the cover image (defaults to post or page title as alt text) * Use `coverCaption = "Image Credit to [Barry Bluejeans](https://unsplash.com/)"` to add a caption for the cover image. ## How to display the Last Modified Date in your posts Add `lastModDisplay = "[your display text]"` to `config.toml` to enable last modified date on your posts. Note - an empty string value `""` does not display anything. Example: `lastModDisplay = "Modified:"` --> "Modified: Jan 01, 0001" :octocat: Hugo's `enableGitInfo` option is a nice complement to this feature. ## How to hide "Read more" button In a post's front matter you have to add `hideReadMore` param set to `true`. This will result in that the post won't have "Read more" button in the list view. ## Add-ons - **Archive** — Theme has built-in `archive` page for main content (see `contentTypeName` variable in config). If you need archive on your blog just copy https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-hello-friend/blob/master/exampleSite/content/archive.md to your `content` dir. If you need multilangual archives, duplicate `content/archive.md` and add `.Lang` variable, eg: `content/archive.pl.md` (remember to change `url` in duplicated file). - **Comments** — for adding comments to your blog posts please take a look at `layouts/partials/comments.html` https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-terminal/blob/master/layouts/partials/comments.html. - **Prepended ``** — if you need to add something inside `` element, and before any of the theme's `