
105 lines
3.6 KiB

import importlib
import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from urllib import request, error
from core.stack import Stack
from core.vars import ROCM_VERSION, logger
def get_prebuilts(repo_owner: str = "M4TH1EU", repo_name: str = "ai-suite-rocm-local",
release_tag: str = f"prebuilt-whl-{ROCM_VERSION}") -> list:
api_url = f"{repo_owner}/{repo_name}/releases/tags/{release_tag}"
with request.urlopen(api_url) as response:
if response.status != 200:
logger.error(f"Failed to fetch data: HTTP Status {response.status}")
return []
release_data = json.load(response)
assets = release_data.get('assets', [])
if not assets:
logger.error("No assets found in release data")
return []
return assets
except error.URLError as e:
logger.error(f"Error fetching release data: {e}")
def check_for_build_essentials():
logger.debug("Checking for build essentials...")
debian = os.path.exists('/etc/debian_version')
fedora = os.path.exists('/etc/fedora-release')
if debian:
# TODO: check if these work for debian users
check_gcc = run_command("dpkg -l | grep build-essential &>/dev/null", exit_on_error=False)[2] == 0
check_python = run_command("dpkg -l | grep python3.10-dev &>/dev/null", exit_on_error=False)[2] == 0
if not check_gcc or not check_python:
raise UserWarning(
"The packages build-essential and python3.10-dev are required for this script to run. Please install them. See the README for more information.")
elif fedora:
check_gcc = run_command("rpm -q gcc &>/dev/null", exit_on_error=False)[2] == 0
check_python = run_command("rpm -q python3.10-devel &>/dev/null", exit_on_error=False)[2] == 0
if not check_gcc or not check_python:
raise UserWarning(
"The package python3.10-devel and the Development Tools group are required for this script to run. Please install them. See the README for more information.")
"Unsupported OS detected. Please ensure you have the following packages installed or their equivalent: build-essential, python3.10-dev")
def run_command(command: str, exit_on_error: bool = True):
logger.debug(f"Running command: {command}")
process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = process.communicate()
if process.returncode != 0:
logger.fatal(f"Failed to run command: {command}")
if exit_on_error:
raise Exception(f"Failed to run command: {command}")
return out, err, process.returncode
def load_service_from_string(service: str) -> Stack:
logger.debug(f"Loading service from string: {service}")
service_name = service.replace("_", " ").title().replace(" ", "")
module = importlib.import_module(f"services.{service}")
met = getattr(module, service_name)
return met()
def find_symlink_in_folder(folder: str):
symlinks = {}
for file in Path(folder).rglob("webui/**"):
if file.is_symlink():
symlinks[file] = file.resolve()
return symlinks
def create_symlinks(symlinks: dict[Path, Path]):
for target, link in symlinks.items():
logger.debug(f"(re)Creating symlink: {link} -> {target}")
if target.is_symlink():
if target.exists() and target.is_dir():
os.symlink(link, target)