#!/bin/bash source ../utils.sh python_exec=venv/bin/python3.10 # Function to install/update StableDiffusion install_xtts() { if [ -d "webui" ]; then echo "XTTS repository already exists. Skipping clone." yes_or_no "Do you want to update XTTS WebUI ?" && { cd webui rm requirements_without_torch.txt git pull echo "XTTS WebUI successfully updated." cd .. } else echo "Cloning XTTS repository..." git clone https://github.com/daswer123/xtts-webui webui fi iconv -f UTF-16 -t UTF-8 webui/requirements.txt | grep -v 'torch' > webui/requirements_without_torch.txt $python_exec -m pip install -r webui/requirements_without_torch.txt # Disable gpu for faster-whipser as ROCM isn't supported yet sed -i 's/device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"/device = "cpu"/' webui/scripts/utils/formatter.py sed -i 's/asr_model = WhisperModel(whisper_model, device=device, compute_type="float16")/asr_model = WhisperModel(whisper_model, device=device, compute_type="int8")/' webui/scripts/utils/formatter.py # Deepspeed and ninja (not working) $python_exec -m pip install ninja deepspeed # apt-get install -y ninja-build ln -S webui/models models } # Main function main() { prepare_env # Install XTTS install_xtts clean echo "XTTS installation/update complete." } # Run main function main