Mathieu Broillet fdb0e69f82
Some checks failed
Validate with hassfest / validate (push) Failing after 2s
HACS Action / HACS Action (push) Failing after 4s
fixed bluetooth attr formatting
2024-01-01 17:03:40 +01:00

534 lines
21 KiB

import logging
import re
import fabric2
from fabric2 import Connection
from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# _LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
def create_ssh_connection(host: str, username: str, password: str, port=22):
"""Create an SSH connection to a host using a username and password specified in the config flow."""
conf = fabric2.Config()
conf.run.hide = True
conf.run.warn = True
conf.warn = True
conf.sudo.password = password
conf.password = password
connection = Connection(
host=host, user=username, port=port, connect_timeout=3, connect_kwargs={"password": password},
_LOGGER.info("Successfully created SSH connection to %s using username %s", host, username)
return connection
def test_connection(connection: Connection):
"""Test the connection to the host by running a simple command."""
return True
except Exception:
return False
def is_unix_system(connection: Connection):
"""Return a boolean based on get_operating_system result."""
return get_operating_system(connection) == "Linux/Unix"
def get_operating_system_version(connection: Connection, is_unix=None):
"""Return the running operating system name and version."""
if is_unix is None:
is_unix = is_unix_system(connection)
if is_unix:
result = connection.run(
"awk -F'=' '/^NAME=|^VERSION=/{gsub(/\"/, \"\", $2); printf $2\" \"}\' /etc/os-release && echo").stdout
if result == "":
result = connection.run("lsb_release -a | awk '/Description/ {print $2, $3, $4}'").stdout
return result
return connection.run(
'for /f "tokens=1 delims=|" %i in (\'wmic os get Name ^| findstr /B /C:"Microsoft"\') do @echo %i').stdout
def get_operating_system(connection: Connection):
"""Return the running operating system type."""
# TODO: might be a better way to do this
result = connection.run("uname")
if result.return_code == 0:
return "Linux/Unix"
return "Windows/Other"
def shutdown_system(connection: Connection, is_unix=None):
"""Shutdown the system."""
if is_unix is None:
is_unix = is_unix_system(connection)
shutdown_commands = {
"unix": ["sudo shutdown -h now", "sudo init 0", "sudo systemctl poweroff"],
"windows": ["shutdown /s /t 0", "wmic os where Primary=TRUE call Shutdown"]
for command in shutdown_commands["unix" if is_unix else "windows"]:
result = connection.run(command)
if result.return_code == 0:
_LOGGER.debug("System shutting down on %s.", connection.host)
raise HomeAssistantError(f"Cannot shutdown system running at {connection.host}, all methods failed.")
def restart_system(connection: Connection, is_unix=None):
"""Restart the system."""
if is_unix is None:
is_unix = is_unix_system(connection)
restart_commands = {
"unix": ["sudo shutdown -r now", "sudo init 6", "sudo systemctl reboot"],
"windows": ["shutdown /r /t 0", "wmic os where Primary=TRUE call Reboot"]
for command in restart_commands["unix" if is_unix else "windows"]:
result = connection.run(command)
if result.return_code == 0:
_LOGGER.debug("System restarting on %s.", connection.host)
raise HomeAssistantError(f"Cannot restart system running at {connection.host}, all methods failed.")
def sleep_system(connection: Connection, is_unix=None):
"""Put the system to sleep."""
if is_unix is None:
is_unix = is_unix_system(connection)
sleep_commands = {
"unix": ["sudo systemctl suspend", "sudo pm-suspend"],
"windows": ["shutdown /h /t 0", "rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep"]
for command in sleep_commands["unix" if is_unix else "windows"]:
result = connection.run(command)
if result.return_code == 0:
_LOGGER.debug("System sleeping on %s.", connection.host)
raise HomeAssistantError(f"Cannot put system running at {connection.host} to sleep, all methods failed.")
def get_windows_entry_in_grub(connection: Connection):
Grabs the Windows entry name in GRUB.
Used later with grub-reboot to specify which entry to boot.
commands = [
"sudo awk -F \"'\" '/windows/ {print $2}' /boot/grub/grub.cfg",
"sudo awk -F \"'\" '/windows/ {print $2}' /boot/grub2/grub.cfg"
for command in commands:
result = connection.run(command)
if result.return_code == 0 and result.stdout.strip():
_LOGGER.debug("Found Windows entry in GRUB: " + result.stdout.strip())
return result.stdout.strip()
_LOGGER.error("Could not find Windows entry in GRUB for system running at %s.", connection.host)
return None
def restart_to_windows_from_linux(connection: Connection):
"""Restart a running Linux system to Windows."""
if not is_unix_system(connection):
raise HomeAssistantError(f"System running at {connection.host} is not a Linux system.")
windows_entry = get_windows_entry_in_grub(connection)
if windows_entry is not None:
reboot_commands = ["sudo grub-reboot", "sudo grub2-reboot"]
for reboot_command in reboot_commands:
result = connection.run(f"{reboot_command} \"{windows_entry}\"")
if result.return_code == 0:
_LOGGER.debug("Rebooting to Windows")
raise HomeAssistantError(f"Failed to restart system running on {connection.host} to Windows from Linux.")
raise HomeAssistantError(f"Could not find Windows entry in grub for system running at {connection.host}.")
def change_monitors_config(connection: Connection, monitors_config: dict):
"""Change monitors configuration on the host (Linux + Gnome, and partial Windows support)."""
if is_unix_system(connection):
command_parts = ["gnome-monitor-config", "set"]
for monitor, settings in monitors_config.items():
if settings.get('enabled', False):
command_parts.extend(['-LpM' if settings.get('primary', False) else '-LM', monitor])
if 'position' in settings:
command_parts.extend(['-x', str(settings["position"][0]), '-y', str(settings["position"][1])])
if 'mode' in settings:
command_parts.extend(['-m', settings["mode"]])
if 'scale' in settings:
command_parts.extend(['-s', str(settings["scale"])])
if 'transform' in settings:
command_parts.extend(['-t', settings["transform"]])
command = ' '.join(command_parts)
_LOGGER.debug("Running command: %s", command)
result = connection.run(command)
if result.return_code == 0:
_LOGGER.info("Successfully changed monitors config on system running on %s.", connection.host)
raise HomeAssistantError("Could not change monitors config on system running on %s, check logs with debug",
raise HomeAssistantError("Not implemented yet for Windows OS.")
# TODO: Implement Windows support using NIRCMD
command_parts = ["nircmd.exe", "setdisplay"]
# setdisplay {monitor:index/name} [width] [height] [color bits] {refresh rate} {-updatereg} {-allusers}
for monitor, settings in monitors_config.items():
if settings.get('enabled', False):
[f'{monitor} -primary' if settings.get('primary', False) else f'{monitor} -secondary'])
if 'resolution' in settings:
command_parts.extend([str(settings["resolution"][0]), str(settings["resolution"][1])])
if 'refresh_rate' in settings:
command_parts.extend(['-hz', str(settings["refresh_rate"])])
if 'color_bits' in settings:
command_parts.extend(['-bits', str(settings["color_bits"])])
command = ' '.join(command_parts)
_LOGGER.debug("Running command: %s", command)
result = connection.run(command)
if result.return_code == 0:
_LOGGER.info("Successfully changed monitors config on system running on %s.", connection.host)
raise HomeAssistantError("Could not change monitors config on system running on %s, check logs with debug",
def silent_install_nircmd(connection: Connection):
"""Silently install NIRCMD on a Windows system."""
if not is_unix_system(connection):
download_url = "https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.zip"
install_path = f"C:\\Users\\{connection.user}\\AppData\\Local\\EasyComputerManager"
# Download and unzip NIRCMD
download_command = f"powershell -Command \"Invoke-WebRequest -Uri {download_url} -OutFile {install_path}\\nircmd.zip -UseBasicParsing\""
unzip_command = f"powershell -Command \"Expand-Archive {install_path}\\nircmd.zip -DestinationPath {install_path}\""
remove_zip_command = f"powershell -Command \"Remove-Item {install_path}\\nircmd.zip\""
commands = [download_command, unzip_command, remove_zip_command]
for command in commands:
result = connection.run(command)
if result.return_code != 0:
_LOGGER.error("Could not install NIRCMD on system running on %s.", connection.host)
def get_monitors_config(connection: Connection) -> dict:
"""Parse the output of the gnome-monitor-config command to get the current monitor configuration."""
if is_unix_system(connection):
result = connection.run("gnome-monitor-config list")
if result.return_code != 0:
raise HomeAssistantError(f"Could not get monitors config on system running at {connection.host}.")
monitors = []
current_monitor = None
for line in result.stdout.split('\n'):
monitor_match = re.match(r'^Monitor \[ (.+?) \] (ON|OFF)$', line)
if monitor_match:
if current_monitor:
source, status = monitor_match.groups()
current_monitor = {'source': source, 'status': status, 'names': [], 'resolutions': []}
elif current_monitor:
display_name_match = re.match(r'^\s+display-name: (.+)$', line)
resolution_match = re.match(r'^\s+(\d+x\d+@\d+(?:\.\d+)?).*$', line)
if display_name_match:
current_monitor['names'].append(display_name_match.group(1).replace('"', ''))
elif resolution_match:
# Don't include resolutions under 1280x720
if int(resolution_match.group(1).split('@')[0].split('x')[0]) >= 1280:
# If there are already resolutions in the list, check if the framerate between the last is >1
if len(current_monitor['resolutions']) > 0:
last_resolution = current_monitor['resolutions'][-1]
last_resolution_size = last_resolution.split('@')[0]
this_resolution_size = resolution_match.group(1).split('@')[0]
# Only truncate some framerates if the resolution are the same
if last_resolution_size == this_resolution_size:
last_resolution_framerate = float(last_resolution.split('@')[1])
this_resolution_framerate = float(resolution_match.group(1).split('@')[1])
# If the difference between the last resolution framerate and this one is >1, ignore it
if last_resolution_framerate - 1 > this_resolution_framerate:
# If the resolution is different, this adds the new resolution
# to the list without truncating
# This is the first resolution, add it to the list
if current_monitor:
return monitors
raise HomeAssistantError("Not implemented yet for Windows OS.")
def steam_big_picture(connection: Connection, action: str):
"""Controls Steam in Big Picture mode on the host."""
_LOGGER.debug(f"Running Steam Big Picture action {action} on system running at {connection.host}.")
steam_commands = {
"start": {
"unix": "export WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0; export DISPLAY=:0; steam -bigpicture &",
"windows": "start steam://open/bigpicture"
"stop": {
"unix": "export WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0; export DISPLAY=:0; steam -shutdown &",
"windows": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steam.exe -shutdown"
# TODO: check for different Steam install paths
"exit": {
"unix": None, # TODO: find a way to exit Steam Big Picture
"windows": "nircmd win close title \"Steam Big Picture Mode\""
# TODO: need to test (thx @MasterHidra https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/5c9l20/comment/k5fmb3k)
command = steam_commands.get(action)
if command is None:
raise HomeAssistantError(
f"Invalid action {action} for Steam Big Picture on system running at {connection.host}.")
if is_unix_system(connection):
result = connection.run(command.get("unix"))
result = connection.run(command.get("windows"))
if result.return_code != 0:
raise HomeAssistantError(f"Could not {action} Steam Big Picture on system running at {connection.host}.")
def get_audio_config(connection: Connection):
if is_unix_system(connection):
config = {'sinks': [], 'sources': []}
def parse_device_info(lines, device_type):
devices = []
current_device = {}
for line in lines:
if line.startswith(f"{device_type} #"):
if current_device and "Monitor" not in current_device['description']:
current_device = {'id': int(re.search(r'#(\d+)', line).group(1))}
elif line.startswith(" Name:"):
current_device['name'] = line.split(":")[1].strip()
elif line.startswith(" State:"):
current_device['state'] = line.split(":")[1].strip()
elif line.startswith(" Description:"):
current_device['description'] = line.split(":")[1].strip()
if current_device:
return devices
# Get sinks
result = connection.run("LANG=en_US.UTF-8 pactl list sinks")
if result.return_code != 0:
raise HomeAssistantError(f"Could not get audio sinks on system running at {connection.host}.")
config['sinks'] = parse_device_info(result.stdout.split('\n'), 'Sink')
# Get sources
result = connection.run("LANG=en_US.UTF-8 pactl list sources")
if result.return_code != 0:
raise HomeAssistantError(f"Could not get audio sources on system running at {connection.host}.")
config['sources'] = parse_device_info(result.stdout.split('\n'), 'Source')
return config
raise HomeAssistantError("Not implemented yet for Windows OS.")
def change_audio_config(connection: Connection, volume: int, mute: bool, input_device: str = "@DEFAULT_SOURCE@",
output_device: str = "@DEFAULT_SINK@"):
"""Change audio configuration on the host system."""
if is_unix_system(connection):
current_config = get_audio_config(connection)
executable = "pactl"
commands = []
def get_device_id(device_type, user_device):
for device in current_config[device_type]:
if device['description'] == user_device:
return device['name']
return user_device
# Set default sink and source if not specified
if not output_device:
output_device = "@DEFAULT_SINK@"
if not input_device:
input_device = "@DEFAULT_SOURCE@"
# Set default sink if specified
if output_device and output_device != "@DEFAULT_SINK@":
output_device = get_device_id('sinks', output_device)
commands.append(f"{executable} set-default-sink {output_device}")
# Set default source if specified
if input_device and input_device != "@DEFAULT_SOURCE@":
input_device = get_device_id('sources', input_device)
commands.append(f"{executable} set-default-source {input_device}")
# Set sink volume if specified
if volume is not None:
commands.append(f"{executable} set-sink-volume {output_device} {volume}%")
# Set sink and source mute status if specified
if mute is not None:
commands.append(f"{executable} set-sink-mute {output_device} {'yes' if mute else 'no'}")
commands.append(f"{executable} set-source-mute {input_device} {'yes' if mute else 'no'}")
# Execute commands
for command in commands:
_LOGGER.debug("Running command: %s", command)
result = connection.run(command)
if result.return_code != 0:
raise HomeAssistantError(
f"Could not change audio config on system running on {connection.host}, check logs with debug")
raise HomeAssistantError("Not implemented yet for Windows OS.")
def get_debug_info(connection: Connection):
"""Return debug information about the host system."""
data = {}
data_os = {
'name': get_operating_system(connection),
'version': get_operating_system_version(connection),
'is_unix': is_unix_system(connection)
data_ssh = {
'is_connected': connection.is_connected,
'username': connection.user,
'host': connection.host,
'port': connection.port
data_grub = {
'windows_entry': get_windows_entry_in_grub(connection)
data_audio = {
'speakers': get_audio_config(connection).get('sinks'),
'microphones': get_audio_config(connection).get('sources')
data['os'] = data_os
data['ssh'] = data_ssh
data['grub'] = data_grub
data['audio'] = data_audio
data['monitors'] = get_monitors_config(connection)
return data
def get_bluetooth_devices(connection: Connection, only_connected: bool = False, format_for_hass: bool = False):
"""Return a list of Bluetooth devices connected to the host system."""
commands = {
"unix": "bash -c \'bluetoothctl devices | cut -f2 -d\\' \\' | while read uuid; do bluetoothctl info $uuid; done|grep -e \"Device\\|Connected\\|Name\"\'",
"windows": "",
if is_unix_system(connection):
result = connection.run(commands["unix"])
if result.return_code != 0:
raise HomeAssistantError(f"Could not get Bluetooth devices on system running at {connection.host}.")
devices = []
current_device = {}
for line in result.stdout.split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
if line.startswith("Device"):
if current_device:
current_device = {"address": line.split()[1]}
elif line.startswith("Name:"):
current_device["name"] = line.split(":")[1].strip()
elif line.startswith("Connected:"):
current_device["connected"] = line.split(":")[1].strip()
if current_device:
if only_connected:
devices = [device for device in devices if device["connected"] == "yes"]
if format_for_hass:
devices = "; ".join([f"{device['name']} ({device['address']})" for device in devices])
return devices
raise HomeAssistantError("Not implemented yet for Windows OS.")