# ZSpotify
### A Spotify downloader needing only a python interpreter and ffmpeg.
[Discord Server](https://discord.gg/skVNQKtyFq) - [Matrix Server](https://matrix.to/#/#zspotify:matrix.org) - [Gitea Mirror](https://git.robinsmediateam.dev/Footsiefat/zspotify) - [Main Site](https://footsiefat.github.io/)
- Python 3.9 or greater
- ffmpeg*
- Git**
Python packages:
- pip install -r requirements.txt
\*ffmpeg can be installed via apt for Debian-based distros or by downloading the binaries from [ffmpeg.org](https://ffmpeg.org) and placing them in your %PATH% in Windows. Mac users can install it using [Homebrew](https://brew.sh).
\*\*Git can be installed via apt for Debian-based distros or by downloading the binaries from [git-scm.com](https://git-scm.com/download/win) for Windows. Mac users can install it using [Homebrew](https://brew.sh).
Command line usage:
python src/app.py Loads search prompt to find then download a specific track, album or playlist
python src/app.py