Added a block for parsing arguments passed with options
-l -limit
-t -type
in the search_term. They work as follows:
* -l -limit <number> : sets the limit of results to that number
and raises a ValueError if that number exceeds 50. Default is 10.
* -t -type <album/track/playlist> : sets the type that is requested
from the API about the search query. Raises a ValueError if an arguments
passed are different than track, album, playlist. Default is all three.
Enter search or URL: <query> -l 30 -t track album
This will result with 30 tracks and 30 albums associated with query.
Options can be passed in any order but the query must be first.
1. added new scope `playlist-read-private` for access token
2. Added progress bar far playlist download(previously it's showing for each song separately)